Social Responsibility

OZ Design is committed to helping sponsor a much-needed medical doctor in the Solomon Islands, one of Australia's closest, northern neighbours.  

Dr. Douglas Pikacha is located at Seghe Hospital in the Marovo Lagoon, an area of approximately 700 square kilometres with a population of 12,000 people spread across 100 islands. This magnificent area is unique in the world for its pristine beauty and wonderful people but has never had the benefit of a full-time doctor.  



Now, Dr. Pikacha can treat patients and save lives not only on-site at the local hospital but will also travel to outer villages to treat those unable to make the journey. He will also teach basic healthcare to nursing staff in the area's health centres and be part of advising the local communities about nutrition (diabetes being one of the region's major health problems).

Another role he will undertake will be to coordinate and lead the Marovo Medical Tours which is two week-long visits by international doctors and other medical professionals who come to the lagoon each year to share their expertise.  

OZ Design is extremely proud to be part of this inspirational program knowing the enormous impact it will have on the overall health and well-being of the people in the Marovo. We thank our customers for helping us achieve this valuable goal.  

Click for more info on the Marovo Health Initiative.